The Bird Of War And Lady Liberty Take Home America's Keg

Last night, America’s Keg was on display for poor, tired, huddled masses who came to Saloon for the United States of America. VIP treatment with the roped off section like a Hollywood celebrity. We were giving it away to the person dressed most Patriotic for the USA-Ghana game. There was a shit ton of people dressed in Red White And Blue. Lotta flag capes and American socks and USA Stool gear but there were 4 clear front runners:

Bird of War:

American Dennis Reynolds

Lady Liberty and Her Crew:

and Mr. America

At the end of the day we ponied up two kegs and awarded Bird of War and Lady Liberty the kegs. Dennis Reynolds brought the heat but I’m pretty sure I saw his nuts a couple times in those short shorts and that knocked him down a couple notches. Mr. America though – I’ll be honest he was kinda robbed. If you were there, you know that dude moved crowds. I just had to give it to the people who painted faces and designed costumes and what not. He did win a free open bar for the next game against Portugal for his efforts.

Kiss the Cup!


Here was the rest of the scene at Saloon last night:

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to the ONE dude who showed up supporting Ghana. Walked in with a Ghana jersey and a flag and just didn’t give a fuck. He was even a good sport after they lost. Ripped off his jersey and jumped right in the middle of the USA celebration waving his flag. Hate his guts but goddamit do I respect him.

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